Forum Discussion
Text is blocked and T-Mobile is saying I was spamming
Please let me know if you are fixing the blocked text message problem. According to the post below, others are having this same problem. I have a ticket open and have been without outgoing texts for 9 days.
- UncontestedNewbie Caller
After several client complaints that my text were not being received, I discovered I was receiving my clients text but they were not receiving mine. This ONLY affected MMS (cell towers) messages and not RCS (internet) messages.
I contacted TM and the rep said FCC did this to my business. After exploring the internet, AI is reporting the FCC is not allowed to access tmobile accounts and put on MMS blocks. I explained this to the TM rep at the store I was at and on the phone with the other TM rep. I also looked up the problem and found this blog. They escalated the issue and said I was on the blocked mode for 3 more days according to my account information.
I was unaware we were blockes until after several days of several failed sales and texts from unhappy clients that were needing a text response. I potientently lost thousands of dollars and a possible tainted reputation of a business that doesn't respond to their clients when prompted for a business response.
We send appointment reminders and respond by text with clients many times a day. After asking the reps why this happened again, and assurance that it won't happen again, they said they cannot explain why this happened nor if it will happen again.
I wonder how many people experience this with TM? If many even ever discover it? I feel that although it's great they have a system that shuts down spamming, it's very important that if you are a paying TM Business Account that they put in place a policy that involves a expected communication. A text, call or email informing the TM Business client that a MMS block will be placed on the account for a period of how ever many days, to say the least. Otherwise this is a reckless policy, computer software error. And, what would really be much better, before they implement a block, have a discovery period to see of the spamming block is not appropriate.
Either a disgruntled person reporting you as spam and blocking you, a group chat, texting many messages in a day, or a reputations of the same message is something ALL businesses do. The policy to block business accounts based solely on these activities does not constitute TM being able to block MMS messages and certainly not them doing so without notifying you, and the process should involve verification of spamming before the blocking begins.
Very disappointed in TM, I thought customer service was important to you guys. An unresolved on-going issue is definitely not customer servicea, and quite literally raises to neglect and mischief on your part, possibly criminal. Do a better job TM! Come on. 😭
- MattMNetwork Novice
The same just happened to me. It may have been related to a blog link I sent to my wife, or maybe that's a coincidence and my number was being spoofed.
I don't see how I can stay with T-Mobile, especially how there's simply no recourse. The support reps say they can't do anything about it, and not only that, the "Engineering Team" case that I opened two days ago was closed yesterday without them ever notifying me. I had to take the initiative to call back to be told that there's an automatic multi-day block.
- AngryGingerNetwork Novice
Same thing happened to me. I'm in a group chat with long standing friends where we send funny links or news articles. Nothing obscene or offensive. Was told that was probably the catalyst. No way to protect myself from that happening again. So I can't share links? Can I send 2? 3 Per month? That's an insane intrusion of privacy. What a complete joke.
- Edgar2167Network Novice
T-Mobile blocked my outgoing text messages. They never notified me and critical messages that I was sending out were never being received for days until I discovered that my outgoing text messages or blocked. Upon further investigation T-Mobile representatives told me that somebody reported me as spam or their system flagged me as spam. I reviewed the messages sent the day before this began and none of them were spam or should have been identified as Spam or should have been blocked for any reason. So not only is T-Mobile allowing this to happen to their customers without any due diligence to verify the accuracy of their automated approach but they also do so without notifying their customers which leaves their customers to urgent communications that have failed without their knowledge. Apparently this is happening to many T-Mobile customers and T-Mobile is not doing anything to rectify their lack of notifying the customers about this nor are they applying any mechanism to verify if people are being placed on a spam list for just cause. I talked to many colleagues in American airlines and several of them have told me they've experienced this also exactly the way I did. I'm going to be discussing this with several union reps at the airline to see if there's action we could take as a whole to address this issue. I am also looking into discussing this with other attorneys to find out if there's a class action lawsuit that we could set up to have T-Mobile do something about this. Completely unacceptable customer service by T-Mobile to customers that have been with them for decades.
- bruce12861Network Novice
Friends of mine who run a cyber security company looked at my phone today and did some research. They found nothing on my phone. When they researched it on the internet they said they really only found complaints about T-Mobile. They are suspicious people have figured out a way to duplicate your number and phone addresses within the TMobile system. They used very technical terms that I don't understand. T mobile blames my phone and I cannot disprove it, but they have not proven it. They won't have there "engineers" talk to my people. How could the complaints only be with one company or overwhelmingly with one company if it is viruses in phones.
- bruce12861Network Novice
Thanks, just did.
- RobYNewbie Caller
This is where you can file a complaint with the FCC. I suggest everyone that this is happening to file.
- RobYNewbie Caller
bruce12861 wrote:
Do you have a link for how to file a complaint. The most outrageous thing is that I send text messages for over a day not realizing no one was getting them. This is reckless and dangerous. Especially since I'm a medical doctor. I did not know people weren't getting the texts.
- bruce12861Network Novice
Do you have a link for how to file a complaint. The most outrageous thing is that I send text messages for over a day not realizing no one was getting them. This is reckless and dangerous. Especially since I'm a medical doctor. I did not know people weren't getting the texts.
- RobYNewbie Caller
lglindfw wrote:
I just realized this morning that people I had texted were not receiving my texts although I was receiving theirs.
I contacted TMobile Support and was informed that I'm on a 10 day block. They had no idea why after reviewing my very low texting activity.
I get NO messages from TMobile when I text that indicates I'm being blocked. People simply think I've been ghosting them when they don't get any response to their texts. Three of those texts were relative to scheduling contract presentations and reviews. Thanks to TMobile, I have probably lost those deals.
Apparently, according to Support Supervisor, the block is implemented automatically by the system and there is NO way to override it.
I send MAYBE 5 texts a day and belong to 3 text groups with less than 8 others in each group. Those groups text once or twice a week.
I traced my activity back to Oct 12 which according to Support is the day the block started. I had one (1) text that day. I had sent an article link to one (1) person. The article was on … The Gateway Pundit.
Deja vu.
Something similar has happened to me. T-Mobile advised me to contact FCC as it was them who blocked. I spoke to 2 different agents. They both assured me that this is a T-Mobile issue and they are making false claims. FCC advised all of us to make a complaint against T-Mobile on the FCC portal.
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