T-Mobile sigue viendo un fuerte impulso en el T3 de 2016

19 de septiembre de 2016

BELLEVUE, Wash. – September 20 - T-Mobile US, Inc. (NASDAQ: TMUS) provided a preliminary view of several key customer results for the third quarter of 2016 that continue to show consumers are flocking to the Un-carrier in a quarter that saw the Company introduce T-Mobile ONE, announce key network milestones and witness the strongest iPhone pre-order in Company history.

As of the first half of September the Company has already surpassed Q2 2016 levels in key subscriber performance metrics including branded postpaid phone and prepaid net customer additions. T-Mobile also shared that overall industry postpaid porting ratios are improving vs. the previous quarter, including ports with each of the three major wireless carriers over Q2 2016.

T-Mobile's customer flow in Q3 2016 continues to come from all three major wireless carriers who are generous contributors and these numbers are already ahead of Q2 2016 full quarter results. T-Mobile estimates that Verizon has contributed over 250K postpaid phone and prepaid net customer additions to T-Mobile quarter-to-date, while AT&T has donated nearly 400K and nearly 300K have come from Sprint. In addition to these, T-Mobile continues to see strong flows of new first time customers coming to market, customers adding lines to their existing accounts and to a lesser degree switching from brands other than the big 3. Quarter to date the Company has added approximately 753K branded postpaid phone net additions and 650K prepaid net customer additions.

The Company reiterates its commitment to its current financial guidance and full year outlook and will provide a full update on its growth outlook for 2016 as part of its Q3 2016 earnings report in late October.

"All three wireless carriers tried to match Un-carrier signature moves this quarter, like getting rid of overages and introducing unlimited data plans, but as usual, they came up short," said John Legere, President and CEO of T-Mobile. "Our Q3 results so far have surpassed Q2 in postpaid phone and prepaid nets, and we are adding customers from ALL of the other guys at an increasing rate."

In just over 3 years the Un-carrier has gone from zero LTE coverage to covering nearly 312 million people and now has near parity with the once dominant Verizon coverage, reaching 99.7% of the consumers Verizon does. T-Mobile has built the nation's densest, highest-capacity LTE network, with more spectrum per customer than either Verizon or AT&T, and more cell sites per customer than the Duopoly as well. The Company has been first to market with a number of network technology advancements such as VoLTE, 4x4 MIMO, Wi-Fi calling and EVS/HD Voice Services to fuel its growth.

“T-Mobile covers nearly everyone Verizon reaches. I’m calling it. Verizon’s coverage advantage is gone,” said Neville Ray, CTO of T-Mobile. “Now, Verizon’s rebranding their older, slower network as ‘LTE Advanced,’ highlighting technology we launched two years ago. Even with their ‘new’ technology T-Mobile’s LTE network is still faster – just ask OpenSignal, Ookla or the FCC.”

The Company has been on a consistent and aggressive push to upend the wireless industry for more than three years now and has completely rebuilt its network at the same time.

T Mobile’s Chief Financial Officer, Braxton Carter, Chief Operating Officer, Mike Sievert and Chief Technology Officer, Neville Ray will present and provide a business update at 10:30 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time on Thursday, September 22nd at the Goldman Sachs Communacopia Conference in New York, NY.

A live webcast of the event will be available on the Company's Investor Relations website, http://investor.t-mobile.com, on Thursday, September 22, 2016 at 10:30 a.m. EDT. An on-demand replay will be available shortly after the conclusion of the presentation.

These customer results are preliminary and are subject to completion of the Company's quarter-end closing review procedures.

Redes sociales de T-Mobile
Investors and others should note that the Company announces material financial and operational information to its investors using its investor relations website, press releases, SEC filings and public conference calls and webcasts. The Company also intends to use the @TMobileIR Twitter account (https://twitter.com/TMobileIR) and the @JohnLegere Twitter (https://twitter.com/JohnLegere), Facebook and Periscope accounts, which Mr. Legere also uses as a means for personal communications and observations, as means of disclosing information about the Company and its services and for complying with its disclosure obligations under Regulation FD. La información que publicamos a través de estos canales de redes sociales puede ser considerada de importancia. Accordingly, investors should monitor these social media channels in addition to following the Company's press releases, SEC filings and public conference calls and webcasts. The social media channels that the Company intends to use as a means of disclosing the information described above may be updated from time to time as listed on the Company's investor relations website.
Acerca de T-Mobile
Como El Un-carrier de EE.UU., T-Mobile US, Inc. (NASDAQ: TMUS) está redefiniendo la forma en que los consumidores y las empresas adquieren los servicios de telefonía móvil por medio de liderazgo en la innovación de productos y servicios. La avanzada red nacional 4G LTE de la compañía ofrece experiencias móviles increíbles para 67.4 millones de clientes que no desean hacer concesiones en cuanto a precio y calidad. Basada en Bellevue, Washington, T-Mobile US ofrece servicios a través de sus subsidiarias y opera sus marcas principales, T-Mobile y MetroPCS. For more information, please visit https://www.t-mobile.com.
Declaraciones a futuro
Este comunicado de prensa incluye "declaraciones a futuro" a los efectos de las leyes de valores federales de los EE. UU. Any statements made herein that are not statements of historical fact, including statements about T-Mobile US, Inc.'s plans, outlook, beliefs, opinion, projections and guidance are forward-looking statements. En general, las declaraciones a futuro se caracterizan por contener palabras como "anticipar", "esperar", "sugerir", "planear", "proyectar", "creer", "tener la intención", "calcular", "propósito", "perspectivas", "tal vez", "quizás", "pronosticar", y expresiones similares. Las declaraciones a futuro consideran únicamente el momento en el que se hacen, se basan en conjeturas y expectativas del momento, e implican ciertos riesgos e inseguridades. Important factors that could affect future results and cause those results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements include, among others, the following: our ability to compete in the highly competitive U.S. wireless telecommunications industry; adverse conditions in the U.S. and international economies and markets; significant capital commitments and the capital expenditures required to effect our business plan; our ability to adapt to future changes in technology, enhance existing offerings, and introduce new offerings to address customers' changing demands; changes in legal and regulatory requirements, including any change or increase in restrictions on our ability to operate our network; our ability to successfully maintain and improve our network, and the possibility of incurring additional costs in doing so; major equipment failures; severe weather conditions or other force majeure events; and other risks described in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including those described in our most recently filed Annual Report on Form 10-K. You should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. No actualizaremos las declaraciones a futuro, ya sea como resultado de información nueva, eventos futuros u otro caso, a menos que así lo requiera la ley.

Press Contact:   Investor Relations Contact: Media Relations   Nils Paellmann T-Mobile US, Inc.   T-Mobile US, Inc. mediarelations@t-mobile.com   877-281-TMUS or 212-358-3210 http://newsroom.t-mobile.com   investor.relations@t-mobile.com     http://investor.t-mobile.com