Declaración: T-Mobile USA reestructura operaciones

15 mayo de 2012

Bellevue, Wash. — May. 16, 2012

2013-04-11 07:02:09

Clarification: Changes will result in net 350 job reductions; as company plans to hire for 550 new positions; many in Puget Sound area


This week, T-Mobile is communicating to employees a new organizational structure that will enable us to react with greater speed and effectiveness to customer and market opportunities, that aligns our costs with our revenue realities, and that better positions T-Mobile to return to growth. As a result of this restructuring, some positions are being eliminated while hundreds of new positions are being created.


This restructuring effort will result in 350 net job reductions. While approximately 900 positions are being eliminated as a result of these changes; T-Mobile will move quickly to hire an additional 550 positions in 2012 to support the needs of the business and strategic opportunities. The majority of the new positions will be located in the Puget Sound area. These 550 new positions are in addition to the 1000 new B2B sales representatives T-Mobile plans to hire in the coming years as we aggressively pursue that opportunity.


Employees who are affected by this restructuring are encouraged to apply for openings that suit their qualifications. The changes being communicated this week do not affect technicians in engineering, customer service representatives in our 17 remaining call centers, or front-line retail employees in corporate-owned T-Mobile stores.


T-Mobile Statement Regarding Restructuring: