
Otro hito significativo en Washington DC

By John LegereMarch 13, 2019

Hoy fue otro día importante en Washington DC para el nuevo T-Mobile.  Tuve otra oportunidad para responder preguntas y compartir detalles con los congresistas de la Comisión de Asuntos Judiciales de la Cámara de Representantes acerca de la fusión, en compañía de Marcel

Hoy fue otro día importante en Washington DC para el nuevo T-Mobile.  Tuve otra oportunidad para responder preguntas y compartir detalles con los congresistas de la Comisión de Asuntos Judiciales de la Cámara de Representantes acerca de la fusión, en compañía de Marcelo Claure. Para terminar el día quiero compartir algunas de las cosas más importantes que tratamos.

I want to start by acknowledging the honorable Committee members and thanking them for taking the time to get more informed and educated about the benefits of our merger. These are topics that matter. This is an important discussion, so I appreciate the fact that we were invited to present the details about how this merger will be good for consumers, drive more competition in wireless and in broadband, and deliver on America's 5G needs.

Here’s what I think matters most.

Building A Nationwide 5G Network for Everyone
The New T-Mobile will deliver a nationwide 5G network that will blanket the US and provide better coverage for consumers everywhere - including rural America - than they have today. The New T-Mobile will be able to combine the spectrum and network assets of T-Mobile and Sprint to create an unparalleled broad and deep nationwide 5G network with faster speeds and improved access that will give the US the best opportunity to win the race to 5G. Today’s status quo is not good enough for our country -- and it’s definitely not good enough for the underserved parts of the country. Our new 5G network will cover 96% of rural Americans, offering them better service and more choices. The massive cost savings from things like tower leases (not jobs!) and the combination of assets from this merger will allow us to bring better wireless AND new alternatives for in-home broadband to consumers across the country.  

Creating Jobs from Day One
Despite what opponents who don't know or understand our business plan might say, this merger will be jobs positive from day one. The New T-Mobile will invest nearly $40B over the next three years in our 5G network and the business. That massive investment will drive job growth. We will deliver an additional 11,000 US jobs by 2024 by adding 5 new US Customer Experience Centers, at least 600 new retail stores to serve small towns and rural America, building out our broad and deep nationwide 5G network and expanding into new businesses. I am proud of our record of job creation at T-Mobile and excited about what we'll do at the New T-Mobile… and I appreciated the opportunity to set the record straight today with the facts. And, even more importantly - as I said today - every Sprint and T-Mobile retail employee will have a job offer at the New T-Mobile. This is going to be a growing company!

Lower Prices for Consumers: Prices will go down!
Last, but not least, I want to touch on pricing. Today I made clear to members of Congress that consumer prices will go down as a result of this merger and consumers will get more for less. I've said it before and I said it again today. There has been plenty of debate about how a merger of any sort can really deliver lower prices and improved quality. Well this is not your typical merger. I detailed how our massive increase in network capacity will allow us to deliver more value, new services and lower prices to consumers. Consumer usage and data consumption is going to increase - prices won't. It's a pledge we put in writing to regulators reviewing our merger - not because we needed to, but because I wanted to be very clear in our commitment. The New T-Mobile's 5G + LTE network will deliver 8 times the capacity in 2024 compared to standalone T-Mobile plus Sprint today. We will have a ton of excess network capacity (like empty seats!) that I need to fill. Just as empty airline seats are bad for business, an empty wireless network is bad business and bad economics - reducing prices to fill that capacity is good business and sound economics. With this new network - we will continue to go after AT&T and Verizon. We will compete, and we will deliver more value and better pricing to consumers everywhere.

At the end of the day I leave you with this. I have fought for consumers for nearly 7 years here at T-Mobile and this merger to become the New T-Mobile is no different. We have spent a lot of time meeting with lawmakers, regulators and their staffs in Washington DC and around the country to share our plans to deliver a New T-Mobile that is good for consumers and the marketplace. I welcomed today's discussion because I believe in this merger. I believe in the New T-Mobile, and I know that it is a win-win for consumers in America.


Información adicional importante
En relación con la transacción propuesta, T-Mobile US, Inc. (“T-Mobile”) presentó una declaración de inscripción en el formulario S-4 (expediente n.° 333-226435), declarada en plena vigencia por la Comisión de Valores y Bolsa de los Estados Unidos (“SEC”) el 29 de octubre de 2018, que contiene una declaración de solicitud de consentimiento conjunto de T-Mobile y Sprint Corporation (“Sprint”), y que además constituye un prospecto de T-Mobile (la “declaración de solicitud de consentimiento conjunto/prospecto”). Cada una de las partes presentará otros documentos relacionados con la transacción propuesta ante la SEC. SE EXHORTA A LOS INVERSIONISTAS Y TITULARES DE VALORES A LEER LA DECLARACIÓN DE SOLICITUD DE CONSENTIMIENTO CONJUNTO/PROSPECTO Y DEMÁS DOCUMENTACIÓN PERTINENTE PRESENTADA ANTE LA SEC CUANDO ESTÉ DISPONIBLE, YA QUE CONTENDRÁ INFORMACIÓN IMPORTANTE. The documents filed by T-Mobile may be obtained free of charge at T-Mobile’s website, at www.t-mobile.com, or at the SEC’s website, at www.sec.gov, or from T-Mobile by requesting them by mail at T-Mobile US, Inc., Investor Relations, 1 Park Avenue, 14th Floor, New York, NY 10016, or by telephone at 212-358-3210. The documents filed by Sprint may be obtained free of charge at Sprint’s website, at www.sprint.com, or at the SEC’s website, at www.sec.gov, or from Sprint by requesting them by mail at Sprint Corporation, Shareholder Relations, 6200 Sprint Parkway, Mailstop KSOPHF0302-3B679, Overland Park, Kansas 66251, or by telephone at 913-794-1091.

No es oferta ni propuesta comercial
Esta comunicación no constituye una oferta para vender ni una propuesta comercial de una oferta de compra de valores, ni habrá venta de valores en ninguna jurisdicción en la que dicha oferta, propuesta comercial o venta se considere ilegal con anterioridad a la inscripción o calificación, conforme a la legislación sobre valores vigente en dicha jurisdicción. No se podrán ofrecer valores, excepto por medio de un prospecto que cumpla con los requisitos de la sección 10 de la Ley de Valores de EE.UU. de 1933, y sus posteriores enmiendas.

Advertencia en relación con las declaraciones a futuro
Esta comunicación contiene ciertas declaraciones a futuro con respecto a T-Mobile, Sprint y la transacción propuesta entre T-Mobile y Sprint. Todas las declaraciones que no sean declaraciones de hecho, incluida la información sobre resultados futuros, son declaraciones a futuro. Estas declaraciones a futuro generalmente se identifican mediante las palabras “anticipar”, “creer”, “estimar”, “suponer”, “pretender”, “puede”, “podría” o expresiones similares. Dichas declaraciones a futuro incluyen, entre otras, declaraciones sobre los beneficios de la transacción propuesta, incluidos futuros resultados financieros y operativos previstos, sinergias, tasas de aumento y crecimiento, los planes, objetivos, expectativas e intenciones de T-Mobile, de Sprint y de la compañía combinada, y el plazo previsto para completar la transacción propuesta. Existen varios factores que podrían ocasionar que los planes y resultados reales difieran de manera sustancial de los expresados o implícitos en las declaraciones a futuro. Such factors include, but are not limited to, the failure to obtain, or delays in obtaining, required regulatory approvals, and the risk that such approvals may result in the imposition of conditions that could adversely affect the combined company or the expected benefits of the proposed transaction, or the failure to satisfy any of the other conditions to the proposed transaction on a timely basis or at all; the occurrence of events that may give rise to a right of one or both of the parties to terminate the business combination agreement; adverse effects on the market price of T-Mobile’s or Sprint’s common stock and on T-Mobile’s or Sprint’s operating results because of a failure to complete the proposed transaction in the anticipated timeframe or at all; inability to obtain the financing contemplated to be obtained in connection with the proposed transaction on the expected terms or timing or at all; the ability of T-Mobile, Sprint and the combined company to make payments on debt or to repay existing or future indebtedness when due or to comply with the covenants contained therein; adverse changes in the ratings of T-Mobile’s or Sprint’s debt securities or adverse conditions in the credit markets; negative effects of the announcement, pendency or consummation of the transaction on the market price of T-Mobile’s or Sprint’s common stock and on T-Mobile’s or Sprint’s operating results, including as a result of changes in key customer, supplier, employee or other business relationships; significant transaction costs, including financing costs, and unknown liabilities; failure to realize the expected benefits and synergies of the proposed transaction in the expected timeframes or at all; costs or difficulties related to the integration of Sprint’s network and operations into T-Mobile; the risk of litigation or regulatory actions; the inability of T-Mobile, Sprint or the combined company to retain and hire key personnel; the risk that certain contractual restrictions contained in the business combination agreement during the pendency of the proposed transaction could adversely affect T-Mobile’s or Sprint’s ability to pursue business opportunities or strategic transactions; effects of changes in the regulatory environment in which T-Mobile and Sprint operate; changes in global, political, economic, business, competitive and market conditions; changes in tax and other laws and regulations; and other risks and uncertainties detailed in the Form S-4, as well as in T-Mobile’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2018 and in its subsequent reports on Form 10-Q, including in the sections thereof captioned “Risk Factors” and “Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements,” as well as in its subsequent reports on Form 8-K, all of which are filed with the SEC and available at www.sec.gov and www.t-mobile.com. Las declaraciones a futuro se basan en expectativas y suposiciones actuales, que están sujetas a riesgos e incertidumbres que pueden ocasionar que los resultados reales sean sustancialmente diferentes de los expresados o implícitos en dichas declaraciones a futuro. En virtud de estos riesgos e incertidumbres, se exhorta a los lectores de esta comunicación a no basarse indebidamente en dichas declaraciones a futuro. T-Mobile assumes no obligation to update or revise the information contained in this communication (whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise), except as required by applicable law..