CommunityCategoryPress Release

Through New Partnership with Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, Accessibility to Free Internet from T-Mobile’s Project 10Million is Easier for Over One Hundred Thousand Students

21 de junio de 2022

The Un-carrier and the nation’s largest youth mentoring organization are collaborating to bridge the schoolwork gap by bringing critical connectivity to underserved students nationwide

BELLEVUE, Wash. — June 21, 2022 — Today, T-Mobile (NASDAQ: TMUS) and Big Brothers Big Sisters of America (BBBSA) announced a new partnership that makes access to T-Mobile’s Project 10Million, the Un-carrier’s $10.7 billion initiative focused on providing students free internet connectivity, even easier.

Through the collaboration, the more than one hundred thousand students who are in Big Brothers Big Sisters’ expansive network of 230 agencies across 5,000 communities will be able to learn about Project 10Million, and eligible households will now be able to more easily register for the program’s free internet and a mobile hotspot that provides 100GB of data per year for five years. Providing this access to students and their families comes at a critical moment in time: Pew Research Center currently reports that 59% of U.S. parents with lower incomes say their children face digital schoolwork obstacles and often work on public Wi-Fi because they do not have reliable internet at home.

"T-Mobile and Big Brothers Big Sisters of America are teaming up to extend Project 10Million's reach by meeting students and families where they are, through an organization and program they know and trust, ultimately giving them easier access to the tools they need to focus on their education rather than searching for reliable Wi-Fi," said Janice V. Kapner, chief communications officer for T-Mobile. "Connectivity is no longer a 'nice-to-have' for students to learn and grow - it's a necessity. And now, they will get a mobile hotspot and enough data to equal 5,000 hours of internet research or 320 hours of online learning into the hands of students in time for the upcoming school year."

"Young people have faced the realities of inequitable access to internet for far too long. Our community of mentors and volunteers have been committed to providing the support, resources and time needed to keep all kids on a path to academic success," said Deborah Barge, chief development officer, BBBSA. "We know there is power in partnership and community, that is why we are so pleased to partner with T-Mobile to provide the critical access to the connectivity necessary to empower young people and their potential."

Starting June 21, parents and guardians of eligible K through 12 grade students will find the tools to enroll in Project 10Million at or in-person through their Big Brothers Big Sisters match support specialist. School administrators and educators can learn more about Project 10Million and apply for their district at

The expanded reach and capacity of T-Mobile’s network plays a crucial role in the Un-carrier’s ability to make reliable connectivity truly accessible to students across the U.S. This includes those in urban centers, as well as underserved areas like rural America, where 14.5 million people do not have access to high-speed broadband internet according to the FCC, which underscores the need for accessible internet options like mobile hotspots.

Imagen de T-Mobile logo and Big Brothers Big Sisters of America logo locked up

Acerca de T-Mobile
T‑Mobile US Inc. (NASDAQ: TMUS) es El Un‑carrier superpoderoso de Estados Unidos con una red 4G LTE avanzada y una transformativa red 5G nacional que ofrecerá una conectividad confiable para todos. Los clientes de T‑Mobile reciben una calidad inigualable por su dinero, una firme obsesión por ofrecerles la mejor experiencia de servicio posible y un dinamismo indiscutible para disrumpir el mercado y así crear competencia e innovación más allá del ámbito del servicio móvil. Con sede en Bellevue, Wash., T-Mobile brinda servicios a través de sus subsidiarias y opera sus marcas principales: T-Mobile y Metro by T-Mobile. Para obtener más información, visita:

About Big Brothers Big Sisters of America
Founded in 1904, Big Brothers Big Sisters of America is the largest and most experienced youth mentoring organization in the United States. The mission of Big Brothers Big Sisters of America is to create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth. Big Brothers Big Sisters' evidence-based approach is designed to create positive youth outcomes, including educational success, avoidance of risky behaviors, higher aspirations, greater confidence, and improved relationships. Big Brothers Big Sisters has over 230 local agencies serving more than 5,000 communities across all 50 states. For more information, visit:

Durante períodos de congestión, los clientes del Proyecto 10Millones pueden notar velocidades reducidas en comparación con otros clientes debido a la priorización de datos. Oferta por tiempo limitado; sujeta a cambio. Las líneas disponibles son limitadas. Destinada a conectividad móvil estudiantil. Debe verificarse la elegibilidad del estudiante para el programa Nacional de Alimentación Escolar. 1 oferta por grupo familiar. Roaming no disponible. El servicio de datos anual finaliza al alcanzar 100 GB o 365 días. El servicio de datos anual se reinicia cada año por un total de 5 años. Streaming de video a hasta 2.5 Mbps (SD). La optimización puede afectar la velocidad de descarga de video; no se aplica a las cargas de videos. Para obtener el mejor rendimiento, deja las aplicaciones de streaming de video en su configuración de resolución automática predeterminada. Es posible que los filtros educativos opcionales impidan el streaming de ciertos videos u otro contenido. La cobertura no está disponible en algunas áreas. Gestión de red: el servicio puede ponerse lento, suspenderse, cancelarse o restringirse por mal uso, uso anormal, interferencia con nuestra red o nuestra capacidad de brindar un servicio de calidad a otros usuarios, o roaming.
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