T-Mobile agrega 2.1 millones de clientes en el segundo trimestre de 2015

08 de julio de 2015

Customers Continue to Flock to America’s Un-carrier for Choice, Flexibility and Value

  • 2.1 million total net customer additions, up 41% year-over-year -- 9th consecutive quarter with over 1 million
  • More than 1 million branded postpaid net customer additions, up 11% year-over-year -- 4th consecutive quarter with over 1 million
  • 760,000 branded postpaid phone net customer additions, up 31% year-over-year -- demonstrating a continued focus on the most valuable customer segment of the market
  • 178,000 branded prepaid net customer additions, up 75% year-over-year -- growing the industry’s biggest and best prepaid brands
  • 1.3% branded postpaid phone churn -- continued record-low churn and a year-over-year reduction of  16 basis points

BELLEVUE, Wash. - July 9 - T-Mobile US, Inc. (NYSE: TMUS) today provided a preliminary view of key customer results for the second quarter of 2015, once again demonstrating continued strong momentum and positive customer response to its Un-carrier moves. The Company generated 2.1 million total net customer additions, including over 1.0 million branded postpaid net customer additions. This marks the ninth consecutive quarter that T-Mobile has delivered over 1 million total net customer additions and the fourth consecutive quarter with over 1 million branded postpaid net customer additions.

"T-Mobile's momentum continued in full force for the second quarter, with 2.1 million customers voting in favor of the Un-carrier," said John Legere, President and CEO of T-Mobile. "Now we are doubling down again with Un-carrier Amped! Once again making it absolutely clear that....We Won't Stop!"

Preliminary Second Quarter 2015 Customer Results

In the second quarter of 2015, T-Mobile added 2.1 million customers, bringing its total customer base to 58.9 million across postpaid, prepaid and wholesale. Total net customer additions were up 41% year-over-year and 14% sequentially.

T-Mobile reported continued strength in its branded postpaid customer segment in the second quarter of 2015. Total branded postpaid net customer additions were more than 1.0 million, up 11% compared to the prior year. Branded postpaid phone net customer additions were 760,000, up 31% compared to the prior year. Branded postpaid mobile broadband net customer additions were 248,000, down compared to last year, but up 85% sequentially.

"T-Mobile continues to win with the industry's most valuable customer segment - postpaid phone customers," continued Legere. "We attract phone customers with signature moves that resonate and with the nation's fastest 4G LTE network."

Branded prepaid net customer additions were 178,000 in the second quarter of 2015, which represents an improvement of 144% sequentially and 75% year-over-year. Branded prepaid to branded postpaid migrations of approximately 175,000 were down sequentially.

Wholesale net customer additions in the second quarter of 2015 were 886,000, up 93% year-over-year and 43% sequentially.

Branded postpaid phone churn of 1.3% in the second quarter of 2015 was down 16 basis points year-over-year, essentially flat from the record-low in the first quarter of 2015. The year-over-year decrease in churn reflects ongoing improvements in T-Mobile's network as well as the increased customer value provided through Un-carrier innovations.

T-Mobile expects to report full financial results for the second quarter of 2015 on July 30, 2015.

Preliminary Customer Results and Churn Metrics

The following table sets forth the number of ending customers:

The following table sets forth the number of net customer additions (losses):

NM - Not meaningful.

The following table sets forth the churn:

(1) The Company's customer results for the second quarter of 2015 are preliminary and subject to completion of the Company's quarter-end closing review procedures. Full second quarter results are expected to be reported on July 30, 2015.

Redes sociales de T-Mobile

Investors and others should note that the Company announces material financial and operational information to its investors using its investor relations website, press releases, SEC filings and public conference calls and webcasts. The Company also intends to use the Twitter accounts @TMobileIR and @JohnLegere, which Mr. Legere also uses as a means for personal communications and observations, as means of disclosing information about the Company and its services and for complying with its disclosure obligations under Regulation FD. La información que publicamos a través de estos canales de redes sociales puede ser considerada de importancia. Accordingly, investors should monitor these social media channels in addition to following the Company's press releases, SEC filings and public conference calls and webcasts. The social media channels that the Company intends to use as a means of disclosing the information described above may be updated from time to time as listed on the Company's investor relations website.

Acerca de T‑Mobile US, Inc.

As America's Un-carrier, T-Mobile US, Inc. (NYSE: TMUS) is redefining the way consumers and businesses buy wireless services through leading product and service innovation. La avanzada red nacional 4G LTE de la compañía ofrece excelentes experiencias móviles a aproximadamente 59 millones de clientes que no están dispuestos a transigir en cuanto a calidad y precios. Basada en Bellevue, Washington, T-Mobile US ofrece servicios a través de sus subsidiarias y opera sus marcas principales, T-Mobile y MetroPCS. Para obtener más información, visitar https://www.t-mobile.com.

Declaraciones a futuro

Este comunicado de prensa incluye "declaraciones a futuro" a los efectos de las leyes de valores federales de los EE. UU. Toda declaración en la presente que no constituya una declaración de hechos históricos, incluyendo declaraciones por parte de T-Mobile en relación con planes, perspectivas, convicciones, guías, estrategia, integración de MetroPCS, modernización de la red y otros avances, se consideran declaraciones a futuro. En general, las declaraciones a futuro se caracterizan por contener palabras como "anticipar", "esperar", "sugerir", "planear", "proyectar", "creer", "tener la intención", "calcular", "propósito", "perspectivas", "tal vez", "quizás", "pronosticar", y expresiones similares. Las declaraciones a futuro consideran únicamente el momento en el que se hacen, se basan en conjeturas y expectativas del momento, e implican ciertos riesgos e inseguridades. Entre los factores importantes que podrían afectar resultados futuros y por ende generar diferencias materiales en relación con lo expresado en las declaraciones a futuro se incluyen, a título enunciativo, los siguientes: nuestra capacidad de competir con la gran competitividad de la industria de las telecomunicaciones móviles de los EE. UU.; condiciones adversas en los mercados y las economías de los EE. UU. y el mundo; compromisos de capital importantes y gastos de capital necesarios para llevar a cabo nuestro plan de negocios; nuestra capacidad de adaptarnos a cambios futuros en tecnología, de mejorar nuestra oferta vigente, e introducir nuevas ofertas para satisfacer las diferentes demandas de los clientes; cambios en los requisitos legales y normativos, incluyendo modificaciones o aumentos en las restricciones sobre nuestra capacidad para operar nuestra red; nuestra capacidad de mantener y mejorar nuestra red con éxito, y los posibles costos adicionales en los que incurramos al hacerlo; fallas importantes en equipos; condiciones climáticas severas u otros eventos de fuerza mayor; y otros riesgos detallados en la documentación de la Comisión de valores y bolsa, así como también los detallados en nuestro Informe anual en el formulario 10-K completado con la Comisión de valores y bolsa el 19 de febrero de 2015. No se debe confiar en exceso en estas declaraciones a futuro. No actualizaremos las declaraciones a futuro, ya sea como resultado de información nueva, eventos futuros u otro caso, a menos que así lo requiera la ley.

Press Contact:   Investor Relations Contact: Media Relations   Nils Paellmann T-Mobile US, Inc.   T-Mobile US, Inc. mediarelations@t-mobile.com   877-281-TMUS or 212-358-3210 https://newsroom.t-mobile.com   investor.relations@t-mobile.com     http://investor.t-mobile.com