Completar higiene de datos de T-Mobile

The T-Mobile Complete Data Hygiene native app is a stored procedure you can run on your first party user data to standardize, correct, update, and add flags to postal addresses.

Below is a quick overview on how to use the app. For more detailed instructions, please consult the app’s “About the App” tab.

  1. Install the App
  2. Complete the Processing Acknowledgement Form (PAF)
  3. Enable External Access Integration
  4. Create and Grant Access to a View of Your Data
  5. Run the App
  6. Get Results

Install the App

  1. Navigate to the T-Mobile Complete Data Hygiene app listing.
  2. Click the blue "Buy" button on the upper-right hand side of the page, and then click the second blue "Buy" button again on the pop-up page. The app will begin to install.
  3. Once it is finished installing, another pop-up box will appear notifying you that your purchase was successful. Click the blue "Open" button. This will take you to the Streamlit dashboard.
  4. Select your preferred data warehouse to proceed.

Complete the Processing Acknowledgement Form (PAF)

  1. Following app install, you will be prompted to visit the PAF website and complete your information.
  2. Click the link to visit the PAF website and complete the required information there.
  3. The PAF website sends the PAF through Adobe Sign for signatures.
  4. Following signatures, the PAF ID (and API key) will be generated within four hours. You will receive the completed PAF with PAF ID via email.
  5. Enter the PAF ID into the Streamlit dashboard; if you don’t have access to Streamlit, call the initialize_app stored procedure with the PAF ID, e.g:

The app is now ready to use.

Data Schemas

Input data schema

Field (Campo) Required Not Null Descripción
REF_ID Unique identifier: client can use this field to join the app output back to their source data.
FIRST_NAME Must be populated if FULL_NAME is null.
LAST_NAME Must be populated if FULL_NAME is null.
FULL_NAME No Only populate this field if FIRST_NAME & LAST_NAME are null.
ADDRESS_1 First line of address (e.g., 321 Sesame Street). Must be populated if FULL_ADDRESS is null.
ADDRESS_2 No Second line of address (e.g., apt. 411).
FULL_ADDRESS No Complete address: only populate this field if ADDRESS_1 & ADDRESS_2 are null.
STATE No Can be either 2-character state code (e.g., NY) or full state name (New York).
Código postal 5-digit zip code or zip plus 4 in the following format: 12345-1234.

Output data schema

Nombre Pricing (CPM)
OUT_FULL_NAME Will be populated with cleansed first and last name even if input field was null.
OUT_ADDRESS_1 First line of address (e.g., 321 Sesame Street).
OUT_ADDRESS_2 Second line of address (e.g., apt. 411).
OUT_FULL_ADDRESS Will be populated with both cleansed address fields even if input field was null.
OUT_ZIP 5-digit zip code.
OUT_ZIP4 4-digit delivery route associated with the address.
OUT_CRID The carrier route associated with the cleansed data.
PARSEDADDRESS The street number associated with the cleansed data.
PARSEDSTRNAME The name of the street associated with the cleansed data.
PARSEDSUFX The street “suffix” (e.g., Ave, St., Ct. etc.) associated with the cleansed data.
DPVFLAG Flag (Y or N) indicating whether Delivery Point Validation has been done on the address.
VACANTFLAG Flag (Y or N) indicating whether address is vacant.
DELIVERYPOINTCHECKDIGIT The check digit (if available) for the address.
DECEASEDFLAG Flag (Y or N) indicating whether resident of the address is deceased.
PRISONFLAG Flag (Y or N) indicating whether resident of the address is in prison.
SUPPRESSFLAG Flag (Y or N) indicating whether resident of the address has requested their name be removed from mailing lists.

130 Fifth Avenue, 6th Floor, New York, NY 10011
