Forum Discussion
Hace 7 añosNetwork Novice
Numbers coming in incorreclty - showing as foreign countries
Whenever I receive a call from a number that is not saved in my contacts, the Caller ID shows it incorrectly. It appears as if it's adding a country code that is not correct, or just breaking the...
- Hace 7 años
Sorry about that! This is a tough one cause it looks like it's a Apple SW issue with the formatting. Have you had a chance to reach out to Apple support?
Hace 7 añosNetwork Novice
I share exactly the same problem. Started 2 weeks ago after a T-mobile carrier up-date. My boss lives in Wisconsin and has a 920 area code. He is in my telephone book but he gets not recognized and it shows the call comes from +92 Pakistan. I even got a marketing message from T-Mobile telling that they are adding more countries to my international plan... I live in New Hampshire, area code 603 / +60 is Malaysia. Very annoying.
iPhone 7s / ~1,5 years old never had an issue before.
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