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Re: Nurses aren't first responders apparently?????
I'm a Neuro/Trauma ICU RN ata County Hospital that is a Level 1 Trauma Center. I'll also add that it's the largest county in the US which also happens to belocated in the largest Medical Center in the World. So, in other words when patientsget life lighted to the hospital they are coming straight to us. For EMS patients, we get them as soon as they are *barely* stable enough to transport from ED to elevator then us. I have so much respect for EMT's, I would love to do a ride along & pick up all their tips & tricks. So, this isn't a jab at them by any means;but, EMT'skeep patients alive long enough to get to the hospital. Then,we're the ones fighting to keep them alive when they keep trying to die on us. We all work hand in hand. You can't have one without the other. I don't understand how one could be considered a First Responder, but not the other. Anyhow, thank you for sharing. I will be checking out AT&T205Visto2likes0Comentarios