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Re: TMO GRC Fortworth TX
This is very scary. I initially boughtan iPhone 13 Mini Starlight (color = white). I found the phone too small and returned it to the store, but they didn't have any iPhone 13 Standard size Starlightin stock, so they told me to keep the Mini until they could getme the Standard I wanted. However,I was sentanother Mini, NOTa Standard. So,now I have TWOMinis andreturned one of them, the one which was sent to me by mistake, to GRC in Fort Worth and it took UPS a whole week (from July 14 to July 19) to deliver it. Now I need the Standard model iPhone 13 Starlight sent to me, as was ordered, so I can return the first Mini (which I am using until the Standard size phone comes). I wonder if, this time,they'll get itright (size and color). Why do these things have to be so difficult??66Visto0likes0Comentarios