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Re: Text is blocked and T-Mobile is saying I was spamming
bruce12861 wrote: Do you have a link for how to file a complaint. The most outrageous thing is that I send text messages for over a day not realizing no one was getting them. This is reckless and dangerous. Especially since I'm a medical doctor. I did not know people weren't getting the texts. Text is blocked and T-Mobile is saying I was spamming
lglindfw wrote: I just realized this morning that people I had texted were not receiving my texts although I was receiving theirs. I contacted TMobile Support and was informed that I'm on a10 day block. They had no idea why after reviewing my very low texting activity. I getNO messages from TMobile when I text thatindicatesI'm being blocked. People simply think I've been ghosting them when they don't get any response to their texts. Three of those texts were relative to scheduling contract presentations and reviews. Thanks to TMobile, I have probably lost those deals. Apparently, according to Support Supervisor, the block is implemented automatically by the system and there is NO way to override it. I send MAYBE 5 texts a day and belong to 3 text groups with less than 8 others in each group. Those groups text once or twice a week. I traced my activity back to Oct 12 which according to Support is the day the block started. I had one (1) text that day. I had sent an article link to one (1) person. The article was on …The Gateway Pundit. Deja vu. Something similar has happened to me. T-Mobile advised me to contact FCC as it was them who blocked. I spoke to 2 different agents. They both assured me that this is a T-Mobile issue and they are making false claims. FCC advised all of us to make a complaint against T-Mobile on the FCC portal.13Visto1like0Comentarios