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Mz Red1 wrote: It time to SUE T-MOBILE FOR NOT PROVIDING CUSTOMERS WITH THE INTERNET SERVICE WE ARE PAYING FOR EVERY MONTH YOU CALL THEY DO NOTHING THEY ARE PUTTING THE LIVES OF OUR FAMILIES AT RISK BECAUSE OUR SECURITY CAMERAS WONT WORK WITHOUT INTERNET THEY REFUSE TO HIRE REAL TECHNICIANS TO COME OUT TO THE AREAS TO FIX NOTHING & THEY KNOW THEY ARE NOT GIVING US INTERNET SERVICE BUT THEY GETTING THEY MONEY EVERY MONTH FROM US & IT RIDICULOUS & UNEXCEPTIONABLE THAT THEY BE ALLOWED TO KEEP CHEATING & DECEPTIVELY TAKING OUR MONEY!! I'M SICK OF THEM GETTING AWAY WITH IT I CANT EVEN CONNECT MY PHONES TO THIS HOME INTERNET IT SAYS MY PHONE IS NOT CONNECTED TO THE INTERNET & THE BOX SITTING IN THE WINDOW! IF ABOUT KNOWS OF A LAWYER WHO HANDLES CLASS ACTION LAWSUITS PLEASE SEND THEM MY WAY I WANT ALL MY MONEY BACK THEY SHOULD HAVE GAVE IT FREE WHILE THEY TESTING IT OUT AT OUR EXPENSE & THEN MAKE US TROUBLESHOOT WHEN THATS THEIR JOB NOT OURS!! & I HAVE NEVER SEEN 5G anything while in my own house ALL WE GET IS LTE!! Yes, they are doing whatever they can get away with while they rake in the $$. All the internet providers in this country are ripping us off. They are given free reign by the lack of regulation and enforcement of the regulations that exist. Anyway, I hope you have alternative internet access choices. If you do, then drop T-MOBILE. It's not a reputable company. This is a company that serially flouts regulations and continues to escape accountability. But then which internet provider doesn't exploit the public and net billions every year? The problem is that the internet should be a public utility, not a publicly held company. It's as necessary as any other utility when it comes to connection to services and community. The internet is the portal to participation. It's messed up, but that's what we have. Big Brother isn't the government, it's the powerful and wealthy who control access and manipulate everything while we get poorer and they and their stockholders get richer. 99% of everything is web-based these days.That would include access to large company customer service departments that employ useless chatbots instead of providing meaningful connection to live humans possessed of hearts, brains, insight, knowledge, and empathy. We are manipulated by the companies and by the digital mess that has no connection to humanity, while the greedy accumulate wealth they can't take with them! But that is the way it is in this existence. We need to find the local connections within our own, unique communities because this digital world is failing us.19Visto0likes0Comentarios