Forum Discussion
Dont trust tmobile customer service are liers
I was given my phone and was informed that it was mine to keep and do as I please even make a tmobile online personal account to manage it. I made the personal account in hopes the company had apps for security and games ect I had full access to my account and I started the account using my identification information and personal email. Then I found a data breach in 1 of the credit reports so I contacted T-mobile to find out how to handle the breach the rep said he was unable to login to my account stating that if I wasn't the account holder I wouldn't be able to login and view the billing side of my account mind you I made a personal account using my email and DOB Ect. I logged in and that was months ago even still today I am still able to view the billing side of my account. However T-mobile after the first phone conversation and the first rep congratulating me he said that my account was the first he had ever seen where the company owed the consumer money and not consumer owing T-mobile. Since then T-mobile has yet again allowed or has given out personal identification out to unknown individuals who didn't have my information associated with the phone. So they being T-mobile gave my personal account to some unknown business and stripped me of my account permissions. Your not going to believe why though. Someone deposited funds into my personal account that was made with my email address not some business account with several phone lines under the business account. Which as of now I am actively looking for attorneys to settle this issue but of course the shotty services on my phone now I get alot of dropped calls, web pages time out or just freeze on top of redirects to pages I didn't want in the first place.

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