Forum Discussion
Need to unlock a device? Here's some information to get you started.
Well here is something for everyone to ponder on. Why in the hell do we as consumers are imposed on a set of rules that force us to wait so many days, or meet this requirement, or to simple be in good standing to unlock a phone. It shouldn't even be a issue. If myself(not speaking for the masses) spend my own money to outright buy the phone then I should be able to do whatever I want I want to. So what is con side of this idealogy. I bought and paid for right. This is just like everything else that we out up with on a daily basis but has come to be norm for us. Just another way to control. In short why should anyone care if you want to unlock your phone. I say stop regulating so stupid and find something more important to regulate. Here is one for them. Regulate the A.I. programs. That's more important and not me unlocking phone. This is strictly my opinion and not meant to offend anyone. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Replys are welcomed let's hear from y'all.
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