Forum Discussion

daniel787's avatar
Roaming Rookie
Hace 2 años

Tmobile switch the gateway to a distance cell tower

My internet speed is 30 mbps on a good day, after 1 to 3 days, it drops down to 5 mbps, sometime below 1mbps. Power cycle the gateway won't help, but restart by using the mobile app usually works.

I called CS several times without any conclusions. Then I pay attention to the cell towel CGI in the  Advanced cellular metrics page, whenever I have bad performance the CGI is aways the same cell tower one mile away from my house(by using the And whenever I have better performance the CGIs are always the two cell towers at the same location 0.35 miles away.

So I called the CS today with the finding, his explanation was when the traffics to a cell tower increases to the threshold the system simply switches the gateway automatically to another cell tower, and currently there is no way they can lock you to a certain cell tower.

I asked him to create a ticket to enhance the algorithm to find a closer and better performing cell tower to switch the gateway. Or to increase the capacities of the cell towers nearby. 

I also told him that my home security system depends on the internet, I travel a lot, sometimes out of country, I can’t monitor the internet speed nor manually restart the gateway when I am not at home, this has to be addressed otherwise I have to go with Cox.

If you have the same issue, now you know the possible cause. please call T-Mobile to create a ticket, hopefully this will get their attention to address it soon.