ipad pro 12.9 3rd gen
1 TopicT-Mobile Mastercard Fiasco
Don't have a promotion if you are not going to honor it. I did everything right the first time I submitted for the Mastercard promotion, but the associates at T-Mobile did not know to give me the $30 line; they did a $20 line on the tablet (are they trained to do this? I doubt it, just no communication within the company), so I was denied, but I was given no notification of this denial because that is not a thing. When I checked in a month later, I got over-the-phone help to change my line to $30 so I would qualify. In spite of the erroneous message below, I submitted all of the same required documents (which is a really clumsy way to do it in this day and age), and now I am denied for being too late asking. You can probably guess all of the expletives I am thinking right now in regard to T-Mobile. The images I sent were fine the first time. The receipt is from Apple, so it cannot be an invalid store. This is T-Mobile's fault with their initial incompetence in establishing a line for the ipad air that did not qualify for the explicitly stated promotion; the rest is just general incompetence, with the sole exception of the nice woman on the phone who helped with the second attempt. She told me people much later than me (again caused by T-Mobile) had earned the promotion, but if it didn't work out, call her back so I can change my line back to $20. It would be smarter of me to change companies. Here is the damn logo from my receipt! Reward Tracker Your submission has been denied. Here's why: Uploaded image is invalid or unrecognizable. Receipt shows invalid store. Fecha de transacción no válida para la promoción. Promotion Information Promotion Number: Promotion Description: 2021 Apple iPad Retail P1 Promotion Date Range: 4/1/2021 - 12/31/2021 Customer Information Tracking ID: HRHJ-5545-7660 Submission Date: 2/4/2022 (I bought the ipad in November; got it in December; submitted the promotion in December--never heard back and never received Mastercard, so checked February 4th to see what was up, and she had me resubmit after giving me the "correct line.") Pretty damn tight timeline! Reward Information Reward Type: Virtual Prepaid Card Status: Denied899Visto0likes5Comentarios