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Re: How to email MMS to phone?
I basically only have a cell phone so my security system can send MMS messages with an image when it detects a person. It was totally reliable when I first got the phone but it has not been reliable for quite a while now. I just sent a test message from the alarm system (it uses gmail) and it came through fine. But it wasn't working at all a couple of days ago. I'm having health problems, and haven't been able to stay on top of things, but am trying to get this resolved before I have surgery next week. Bottom line, if T-Mobile can't get to the bottom of this issue soon, I'll be looking for another provider. My neighbor uses Cricket and has a similar security system and his messages have continued to work while mine were not. Other threads when it first stopped working suggested it was caused by an FTC "anti-spam" rule and that T-Mobile and others simply purchased lame software to implement the rule which broke the utility of the gateways. If this is true, it shouldn't be rocket science to create a whitelist of Email addresses you want to get SMS/MMS messages from. It could be automated by allowing messages through that are not from known spammers, and informing customers that a reply to the SMS/MMS would add that sender to the whitelist. Let the "normal spam filter rules apply afterwards in the absence of a reply. With reference to wharriso message above, I just sent a test message from my Email which goes via yahoo and it got through. My security system zooms in on the "person" it detects and the attached images are generally less than 100 Kbytes. Most MMS providers seem to limit messages to about 1 Mbyte and generally a text without the MMS arrives telling you it was "too big".152Visto0likes0ComentariosRe: sending text to my cell phone using no longer working?
magenta, what happens if you send to your number from a different email account? In my case if I send from a different account it does go through. from my is like it never happened, from my email account gets through fine. Try it if you can. If yours also works from a different Email it provides more evidence that is is some kind of SPAM filter run amok, solution is simple, add a whitelist of email accounts we want Email to mms messages from, all other can be regarded as SPAM in my case.102Visto0likes0ComentariosRe: sending text to my cell phone using no longer working?
I'm having the same issue. I only have the phone to get MMS alerts from our alarm system. If they can't fix soon this I'll be shopping for a new carrier. The alarm sends through a gmail account, when I send an Email with the same attachment via my swbell Email account I get the MMS text on my phone. I know the gmail account is sending the message because I have it bcc another Email account. Hey id10ts at T-Mobile add a white list that we can edit for the Email to MMS gateway. I assume after some number of similar messages they block the sender as spam. STUPID!90Visto1like0Comentarios