Formato de archivo de datos

The File Format for Attribute import is a simple CSV file format.

All columns are required.

Lines in files may be terminated with either LF or CRLF.

Headers should be included on first line.

You may optionally GZIP-compress the file. If file is gzipped, filename should end in .gz.

Each line in the file will contain an advertising identifier, the type of the advertising identifier, the country the advertising identifier is sourced from, an operation code (ADD or DELETE), and a list of one or more Attributes to include the advertising identifier within.

Posición Encabezado Descripción
1 id IDFA for iOS device
AAID for Android device
2 id_type 1 - for IDFA
3 - for AAID
3 país 2 character iso country code: US

We only accept US MAIDs, at this time.
4 funcionamiento 0 - for ADD
1 - for DELETE

All deletes for the file will be applied before adds.

You may specify a delete and an add for the same ID in a file.

Multiple adds for the same id in a file are applied in an undefined order.
5 attribute_ids <attribute_id>|<attribute_id>|<attribute_id>

Pipe separated list of attribute_ids.


If you are leaving this column empty for a row with operation = 1 then put "" in for the value of this column otherwise you will get a column mismatch error.


Sample of data file format
