Forum Discussion

core2's avatar
Newbie Caller
Hace 5 años

Need to turn off Data at night for kids phones

Family Allowances does not work for modern phones.

FamilyMode is too reliant on a app to install on a child phone, that can be quickly bypassed in several ways.  Turn off VPN, Turn off/on ScreenTime, etc.

Is the only option really to manually switch the account from Magenta to No Data for multiple lines?  I would gladly pay for FamilyMode if it even worked correctly.

All I want to do, is turn off Data for 12am-6am at night.



  • Juan_F's avatar
    Roaming Rookie

    To all who are participating on this blog and to those parents as myself, after going through a lot of stressful moments with my kids about the phones usage, especially data and trying to activate Screen Time (For iPhone users), kids are very smart these days, especially with technology. They are not afraid to make mistakes while researching how to get YouTube working while on Screen Time. As parents we still want to communicate (Talk or Text) with our kids while they are not physically with us. This reply is for users who are under T-Mobile plan (Not sure if other providers will have this feature):

    PASO 1: After you login, select Account from the top left menu of your screen, as shown below:

    PASO 2: Click on the phone/line you would like to disable the data:

    PASO 3: Click on the line plan, Then, click on Manage Add-Ons:

    Once you are on this screen as shown above, you have the option to select No hay datos and click Save. This feature will disable the data for that line and as you can see on my data plan, that service is already free as part of it. Make sure you check for that when you want to disable it. I spoke to T-Mobile support, and they mentioned this is a new feature offered with the latest update of the T-Mobile account UI. Meaning, we (Account Owners) have the option to turn it on/off.

    In summary, I have found this to be the best way to turn on/off data for my kid's phones. I hope this helps and you find useful. For users who have different providers, check with their support team or browse through your account and see if you can find it. Now, go and play.

  • stk's avatar
    Newbie Caller

    This feature was available for me in ATT.  I was able to data on/off for kids with click of a button from my phone.  This is really missing in t-mobile

  • SLF75's avatar
    Newbie Caller

    I am in this same situation. Did you ever figure out how to do this? I can take the phone away but I'd rather have technology do it for me.  

    core2 wrote:

    Not concerned over WiFi as that is manageable, and we don’t have any neighbors close enough to hop on.

    I am mainly concerned over constantly turning Data on and off from the plans, if that might cause a problem with the account.

    We simply want to have the kids "take a break" 12am-7am from the internet.  They need the phones for school info and calls.





  • core2's avatar
    Newbie Caller

    Not concerned over WiFi as that is manageable, and we don’t have any neighbors close enough to hop on.

    I am mainly concerned over constantly turning Data on and off from the plans, if that might cause a problem with the account.

    We simply want to have the kids "take a break" 12am-7am from the internet.  They need the phones for school info and calls.




  • gramps28's avatar
    Router Royalty

    Unfortunately the only way to truly take data away is to take the phones away for that time period. As syaoran posted they will still have access to wifi.

  • syaoran's avatar
    Transmission Titan

    There should be an option within your account to turn off data.  I don't believe this can be set to a schedule, but you should be able to do this within your account under usage.  If you choose to do this though, you also have to consider they might be able to use WiFi from your home or a neighbors to still connect during the time you disable their data.