Forum Discussion

karenkranz19's avatar
Network Novice
Hace 3 días

Billing Assistance

I have been overbilled for several months and was promised a refund. For the past several months, I have been "patiently waiting" for assistance. This has been a frustrating experience since your Philippines employees aren't trained to provide the assistance I need.

How can I be connected with someone who has the authority to assist with my problem? 
So far, several of your call center employees have deliberately disconnected my calls when they have not been able to help me resolve my billing problem.




  • gramps28's avatar
    Router Royalty

    Unfortunately the T-Mobile terms and conditions states T-Mobile will only refund 60 days from when the complaint is filed.

  • I actually didn't file a complaint. I had a "representative" identify that I was overbilled. 

  • syaoran's avatar
    Transmission Titan

    You can try reaching out to the T-Force Team by sending a DM to T-Mobile on Facebook or Twitter/X.