Forum Discussion
Hace 3 añosNetwork Novice
I canceled my T-Mobile before and was sent a bill
So I canceled my T-Mobile either the end of July. My last bill was July 5th. I will send a bill of $103 in August and then a bill for $82 in September. I've been meaning to call but I've been very bu...
- Hace 3 años
THere are 2 dates when it comes to cellular service. If you cancel on a use cycle and already paid the previous bill it will show a 0 balance. If you cancelled during a billing cycle YOU will ALWAYS have 1 more bill because you are in a use cycle.
For example my plan resets on the 14th of every month. My bill is due every 30th. See the 16 day difference? If I cancel after the 14th I have 2 weeks of actual usage of the following month. So if you paid you bill it will show 0 balance. Often when reps or people see 0 balance they often assume no bill.
Hace 2 añosNetwork Novice
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