Forum Discussion
Apple TV+ on Us: for Magenta Max subscribers! Fine Print states Apple TV app registration? How can I resolve this issue without having an Apple device to load this app? Please advise!
- Hace 3 años
I couldn't erase this but I resolved it myself. Hopefully others that are confused by the fine print will see this and will find this helpful. I am reposting the solution I imbedded into the question I asked above:
Redeeming this offer is more confusing that it needs to be...the fine print states signing up for Apple TV app. But it would best to DIRECT subscribers to the "Activate your Apple TV+ subscription below. I couldn't erase this post but I figured it out myself so hopefully someone else that is confused will read this and see my STEP by STEP solution:
Go to home page and scroll down to the graphic below for Activate your Apple TV+ subscription. Step 1: click on wireless link if you are a current Magenta MAX subscriber and then follow prompts. It will convert your current 1 year FREE Apple TV+ account that states you will be charged $4.99 to a credited by T-Mobile account. Instead I was pulled into the fine print graphic that states registration via Apple TV app. You don't need to do that. Just follow the link in the Activate your Apple TV+ subscription graphic that I just mentioned above to process this new feature. Anyhow good luck to you all. Hope this helps others.
In the FAQ section of the T-Mobile site it states Apple TV+ is available to Andoid users, too.
I was able to download the app on my Windows laptop and I still can't get it to work.
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