Forum Discussion

alangban's avatar
Network Novice
Hace 10 meses

Sprint Galaxy Note 4 Unlocking


I acquired a Sprint Galaxy Note 4 that I am trying to unlock. Unfortunately Sprint website does not exist  anymore and i can't get any help from them. How do i get my phone unlocked since Sprint and T-Mobile are not one? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Thank  you!!

  • alangban wrote:

    I am not a T-Mobile customer. This is a Sprint phone that has never been used with T-Mobile.

    How to I get to Sprint to help if T-Mobile cannot?


    T-Mobile can't SIM Unlock this device for you.  Either take it to a local cellphone repair shop and pay them to SIM Unlock it for you or return it to where you bought it.  

  • syaoran's avatar
    Transmission Titan
    alangban wrote:

    I am not a T-Mobile customer. This is a Sprint phone that has never been used with T-Mobile.

    How to I get to Sprint to help if T-Mobile cannot?


    T-Mobile can't SIM Unlock this device for you.  Either take it to a local cellphone repair shop and pay them to SIM Unlock it for you or return it to where you bought it.  

  • alangban's avatar
    Network Novice

    Thank you gramps28. I checked the link and here are the eligibility criteria I found:


    La elegibilidad del dispositivo se determina de la siguiente manera:

    • El dispositivo debe ser vendido por T-Mobile. (My device wasn;t sold by T-Mobile but by Sprint many years back.)
    • El dispositivo no puede estar denunciado como perdido, robado o bloqueado. (My device not reported stollen...)
    • La cuenta asociada con el dispositivo debe estar al día. (No idea who the previous owner was)
    • El dispositivo también tiene que cumplir todos los requisitos de desbloqueo para dispositivos con planes pospagados o prepagados que se indican abajo.

    Elegibilidad para desbloqueo para dispositivos móviles con planes pospagados

    • El dispositivo debe haber estado activo en la red T-Mobile por al menos 40 días en la línea que solicita el desbloqueo.
    • Si el dispositivo se financió o arrendó a través de T-Mobile, deben haberse hecho todos los pagos y el dispositivo tiene que estar totalmente saldado.
    • Si el dispositivo está asociado con una cuenta cancelada, el saldo de la cuenta debe ser cero.
    • T-Mobile puede solicitar el comprobante de compra o información adicional a su criterio y es posible que se apliquen otras excepciones.

    I have no answer to many of these requirements. How do I get T-Mobiole to verify them and determine if my device qualifies for unlocking?


    Thanks for your help

  • gramps28's avatar
    Router Royalty

    Are you a Tmobile customer? If not, they can't assist.

  • alangban's avatar
    Network Novice

    I am not a T-Mobile customer. This is a Sprint phone that has never been used with T-Mobile.

    How to I get to Sprint to help if T-Mobile cannot?


  • alangban's avatar
    Network Novice

    Alright. Thank you for your advice. Now I know I shouldn't waste time thinking T-Mobile would help.