Forum Discussion
Problems with linking my internet phone number to my t-mobile ID
So I was trying to set up my online account to pay my home internet bill. I received the email to set up my T-Mobile ID and followed the steps and everything was fine. Until I got to the portion where it asked for me to put in the phone number. I put the phone number in and it told me that this phone number was not connected to my email address. So I went into my nearest t-mobile store and they told me that they could not help and that the email was probably typed in wrong and to call the help phone number line and have the email fix. So I call the help line and spoke to someone and they told me that I didn't have a t-mobile ID setup and that I would need to have that setup before I could put in the phone number. So I go online and and go through the entire process of trying to set up a t-mobile ID, I get through putting in all of my information and then I am told that I already have a t-mobile ID. When I get to the part of adding the phone number for the home internet account it says that my email is not linked to my phone number. Does anyone have any idea on how to help me out please?
- Kekabug15Newbie Caller
I just spent an hour on the phone trying to fix this same exact problem I've been experiencing for over a year. They just suggest basic troubleshooting that I exhausted before contacting them. It's odd that after all of this time they are not able to solve this issue for their internet customers after they did a heavy campaign to entice people to switch to their home internet services. I would like to access my billing information and do any updates without having to speak with a rep.
- MajorRathboneTransmission Trainee
By the way, this seems to be an ongoing problem. There is a string from one year ago that describes the exact same issues you (and I) are facing --
- MajorRathboneTransmission Trainee
If it is any consolation, I am facing the same problem -- unfortunately, I don’t have a solution, but I certainly wish someone would post here with an answer.
It took me three full weeks, including four phone calls to customer service, to even have the system recognize my email. I finally was able to create a T-Mobile ID. When attempting to log-in, I enter my email and password. A verification code is sent to my email. When I enter that code instead of going straight to my account, I get a screen asking to link my phone number to my T-Mobile account. "Enter the phone number [in the box] below to link your account, and we'll send a confirmation code for verification." When I enter my (non-T-Mobile/Sprint) cellphone number, it is not recognized ("Please verify your 10-digit T-Mobile phone number is correct.") -- of course it is not recognized; it is not a T-Mobile phone number.
When I enter the internet line number that is listed on the gateway (modem), what happens? I get the same useless error message that I was getting for three weeks: "We're sorry, we don't recognize this email. Please provide the email you used when purchasing your T-Mobile service or contact Care by dialing..."
All of the customer service people are friendly and professional, but no one can solve the problem. I cannot believe that setting up a customer account is so difficult.
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