16 TopicsBought an unlocked Samsung Galaxy S20+ 5G, and have no option for Delivered, Read, or Typing in Messages. Can I flash T-Mobile firmware to it in an attempt tto get this feature back?
I got an unlocked s20+ 5g from Reebelo, and used SmartSwitch to copy EVERYTHING over from my old S10e. For a VERY brief period as SmartSwitch was doing its thing, I had delivered and read receipts on my texts in the normal Messages app. Once Smartswitch was done, that feature was gone, and the option was completely absent from my settings in individual messages and the Messages app. I tried a factory reset and it is still gone (did not use SmartSwitch OR Google backup OR Samsung backup). Hours of searching the interwebs for a solution has yielded no results (I have tried all the supposed fixes.) The only thing I saw that MIGHT work is someone talking about flashing the carrier's firmware to their unlocked phone. I found a tutorial on how to do this with the T-Mobile S20+ 5G firmware to my unlocked phone. My questions are: A: would this screw up my phone somehow? and B: Would this have any hope of even working to fix my read receipt/delivered options being gone from Messages? I do NOT want to use Google Messages. I hate it, and it doesn't have read receipts for SMS/MMS anyhow, and I do NOT wanna use RCS coz no one I text uses RCS so Google Messages just switches back and forth. In short, Google Messages is not an option for me. Help! I am open to ANY suggestions on how to get my delivered/read/typing options back! :) Thanks!Solved370Visto0likes2ComentariosGoogle Chat FeaturesRCS status stuck at: Setting Up, Trying to Verify my phone number
Hello All. I have great news. My Google Messages RCS is finally working. Here is how I did it, please read this very carefully. Read my original post in Recommemded Answer green color above link. You must disable chat on all previous devices by going here and (on bottom of this site) follow directions: Then you must TURN RCS CHAT FEATURES OFF in GM and wait exactly 10 days. If you turn RCS ON before 10 days are gone, the clock starts all over again for 10 days. You literally have to be patient and wait 10 days with the RCS OFF for 10 days. After 10 days, turn RCS ON and you will see CONNECTED !!!! I repeat to you again, STEP 1 is: You must deactivate all prior devices' GM phone number associations by following the bottom instructions on this site: and if you get error message like: contact your carrier or you requested code too many times, disregard it. Then STEP 2, TURN RCS OFF FOR 10 DAYS in GM and wait 10 days. If you potz around and turn on RCS in GM BEFORE 10 days are gone, you must start 10-days clock all over again! Just be patgient for 10 days. STEP 3: On day #10, Clear Cache in GM and turn on RCS and you will see that you are GREEN LIGHT in RCS as CONNECTED. The best thing to do for this step 3 is to: completely uninstall Google messages and completely uninstall Carrier Services and then reinstall Google messages and reinstall Carrier Services. If you do this in this step, your cash and Data will be cleared. I am an expert in this now as I have triued everything: Contacted carrier, contacted device manufacturer, uninstalled Carrier Services and Reinstalled Carrier services. This has nothing with the carrier nor device manufacturer nor Samsung nor Motorola nor OnePlus. This RCS trying to verify.... occurs because when you switched your device, or when you switched SIM, or when u ported a number, or when you activated Google account email on another device, you DID NOT turn OFF RCS in GM or did not turn OFF RCS in the native Messages App, and now Google's RCS sees that you have RCS active in multiple devices/accounts/phone numbers, in which RCS remained TURNED ON, and Google RCS Server gets confused. What you need to do is STEP 1, STEP 2 and Step 3. Step 1 will deactivate ALL the shmootz you created and Step 1 will DEACTIVATE ALL devices' and all phone numbers' and all accounts' RCS GM once and for all. Step 2 does the "reset with google". Step 2 takes you OFF of "blacklist" at google. I see some people waited 8 days-not good. You absolutely must wait 10 days (not business days) - 10 CALENDAR DAYS and the day you do step 1, and step 2 is day #1. And by the way: Please make sure you have CARRIER SERVICES INSTALLED AND UPDATED from Google Play Store as well as latest updates of GM, and please update your device firmware by checking for update in SOftware Update in Settings. Basically please update your device firmware and all device apps in Google Play Store all aroung before proceeding with Steps 1,2,3. Let me know, but dont tell me that it doesnt work because you did not wait 10 full days. You must wait 10 days and then reply here and let me know. If you are unable to send or receive messages on Google messages app, this post does not apply to you. What I recommend you do is to: completely uninstall Google messages and completely uninstall Carrier Services. Then reinstall Google messages and reinstall Carrier Services. Then contact your cell phone carrier and ask them to refresh your connection and make sure that your messages and data features are turned on on the carrier side and make sure that Short Code Programming is also turned on, on the carrier side. So make sure messaging, data and short code programming is also turned on, on the carrier side. And meanwhile do not touch the toggle for full 10 days. In 10 days toggle ON and u will be set. I wrote 3 steps: make sure you read this twice to fully understand and follow my directions. From now on, you need to understand the concept, to make sure that this RCS feature not turning on again never happens to you again, you FIRST must make sure that before you change your devices, or change SIM cards in devices, or change Google accounts in devices, you absolutely must make sure that the first thing you do is: TOGGLE RCS CHAT OFF in GM FIRST before changing devices, sims or accnts! Otherwise, the Google server will be very confused and will Blacklist Your account, your device and your phone number by yourhaving too many RCS features toggled on in GM everywhere. To get UNblacklisted and turning RCS back to ON, you must read the steps 1,2 and 3. When i say 10 days, i mean 10 calendar days, not 10 business days. Day #1 starts the moment you toggle OFF rcs and keep it OFFfor 10 calendar days. You absolutely must respect the 10-DAY TOGGLE OFF, as i explained to you in Step 2. This step 2 is the only step that will UN-blacklist your phone number, you GM, and your GM account from the Google server. Please respect the 10day toggle off. If you potz around with toggle, you will not have RCS, and your 10day clock will start all over again with every time u potz around with Toggle. ALSO: ON DAY # 10, WHEN YOU TOGGLE THE RCS ON, IN THE GOOGLE MESSAGES APP, THE GOOGLE MESSAGES WILL ASK YOU TO RE-TYPE YOUR CELL PHONE NUMBER TO VERIFY IT WITH GOOGLE (THAT SAME DAY 10), PLEASE RETYPE THE PHONE NUMBER VERY SLOWLY AND CORRECTLY-BECAUSE: IF YOU TYPE YOUR NUMBER INCORRECTLY, EVEN BY 1 DIDIGT, YOUR STEPS 1,2 AND 3 (WITH 10-DAYS TOGGLE OFF) MAY START AGAIN. PLEASE SLOW DOWN AND BE VERY CAREFUL WHEN YOU RE-TYPE YOUR CELL NUMBER INTO GM APP WHEN IT RE-ASKS YOU TO VERIFY YOUR CELL NUMBER ON THAT DAY #10. PLEASE SLOW DOWN AND BREATH SLOWLY WHEN TYPING YOUR CELL ON DAY 10 (AFTER YOU TOGGLE RCS on ON SAME DAY #10.)13KViews3likes12ComentariosMMS Group MMS Corruption: members dropped in replies, Phone numbers changed, New Groups started
Two phones on our TMobile plans experiencing this issue. Group MMS threads keep getting corrupted. When receiving messages, all group members are present, but replying in that group message, messages is randomly leaving out people, and a NEW message thread is created, with one or more recipients removed. This happens on both the sender's phone and the recipient's phone. Sometimes replying to the new corrupted thread is not possible, even though messages come in to that corrupted thread. You have to hunt for the right message thread to reply to. Sometimes Phone numbers are getting corrupted, and digits in the numbers are off. We get a message from a contact, and their number is wrong. We cannot reply to that number, we have to go to the thread with their CORRECT number and reply to that. This is totally frustrating for everyone, as you can imagine. Tried uninstalling Messages, deleting most messages, rebooting, reinstalling messages, etc. The problem disappears then comes back. Samsung phones, with latest updates.302Visto1like4ComentariosSamsung Messages - receiving RCS messages, but not RCS media across T-Mobile devices
I have an S24+ and my brother has an A54 - we are both on T-Mobile and both on the same plan. I only very recently got the S24+ and I came from a Pixel 7 Pro, where I was using the default Google Messages app. My brother seems to prefer the Samsung Messages app and has been using it primarily. With my Pixel, RCS communication between us has been fine, both in terms of text messages as well as multimedia. After getting the S24, I initially tried using Samsung Messages, as I prefer the aesthetic and cohesion of the app with all the other Samsung native apps, which I've generally quickly grown to like. My issue is this: It does seem like RCS text chats come through just fine between the two of us (the message details will say "Chat" as opposed to "Text Message"), but I've noticed that a lot of images that he tried to send me through RCS come through as an empty "Cancelled" image. Sometimes his images do come through, but only because it seems to randomly fallback to sending those as an MMS (and not RCS). I also determined that if I change my default messenger app on the S24+ to Google, then the RCS images come through just fine. I would prefer using Samsung's messages app overall, although I'm also aware that even Samsung themselves are trying to discourage people from using it in favor of Google's. I'm also aware that there seems to be a bit of a discontinuity between RCS servers originally maintained by T-Mobile, and those that Google/Jibe maintain. I checked my settings in Google Messages and it says I'm using services maintined by "my carrier", although by turning on debugging information, I find it's actually Is there any possible solution to ensure RCS chats *and* multimedia messages (not necessarily MMS's) come through just fine on the Samsung messages app? Or should I just grin and accept the fact that Samsung's messages app is basically deprecated, and that I really ought to use Google? Because as much as I prefer the cohesion of Samsung's app with the rest of OneUI, I feel the broken functionality is a deal-breaker, and I'm reasonably confident the answer is gonna be "just use Google Messages".Solved1.3KViews0likes2ComentariosIphone 12 - Not receiving some android/group texts
Hello, My iPhone 12 mini does not get some messages in group thread with android present… My phone has the same number twice in my cellular service line, primary and secondary. If i turn on secondary, I get the texts but cannot reply to the thread, If I turn off secondary, i dont see some of the messages at all, but can reply. what the heck is going on, how do i reset this going forward? restart the group threads?149Visto0likes0ComentariosCANNOT RECEIVE MMS MESSAGES
Alright, so around 1 month ago I switched to my boyfriends plan on T-Mobile from Verizon. We ordered a Samsung S22 Ultra and once it arrived we set it up. They gave me a new number but we intended on transferring my number from Verizon. That ended up taking around 5 hours so in the mean time I used the new number until it was all switched over. During the time using the new number I was able to recieve MMS messages from anyone with Verizon as their current carrier. Once my number had fully transferred on my new phone I could no longer recieve MMS messages but only from Verizon. I could and still can recieve MMS from all other carriers except Verizon. Also Verizon users can recieve my MMS messages with ease. Sometimes when a Verizon user trys to send me an MMS it will send as a link that takes me to the internet to a log in page which I have zero login information for. Other times it doesn't show anything. I will attach a screenshot as well of the link. I have spoke to Tmobile regarding this issue and with a very long time on the phone and tons of troubleshooting nothing changed. They didn't know what to do. I also use Google messages and even if I switch to the Samsung messages I still cannot receive them. All my setting are how they need to be. So I have no idea how to fix this. The only issue is with Verizon users which is who I switched from so I don't know if something went wrong or didnt go completely through when my number transferred or what? Has anyone else dealt with this issue and it has been solved? I am honestly at a loss at this point.Solved2.4KViews0likes5ComentariosAccessing SMS with broken iphone screen
Hello, I am facing a frustrating problem. I recently broke my phone to the point where my screen is unusable right now, the phone turns on but half of the screen is black and I can't see notifications on it. I have spoke with apple, because I have an iPhone 13 and they weren't helpful. Does anyone know how I can access my SMS text messages without my iPhone 13? I receive iMessage perfectly and my Apple Watch says its connected to my iPhone but I am not receiving nor can I send SMS to either my watch or MacBook but they are still going through on my phone. If anyone knows any body who could help me access my messages that are just sitting there that would be great thank you!!204Visto0likes0Comentarios