- Acceder a segmentos de MediaMath
- Acceder a segmentos de Twitter
- Acceder a segmentos de Facebook
- Acceder a segmentos de Amobee (Turn) DSP
- Configuración de integración de Snap
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- Insights - Notas de lanzamiento
Insights - Guía rápida
This guide will assist you in becoming familiar with MAP's Insights analytic reporting suite.
Insights Report Set Up - App Selection Filter
The most important part of any Insights report run is the selection of the applications that you wish to return data for. Up to three (3) apps can be selected per report run, but at least one (1) app must be selected to run a report.
Filtro de app sin selecciones realizadas.
To select an app click on one of the App Selection boxes; each box represents an app that can return data in the report run. Once an of the App Selection box is clicked, an app selection pop up window will present itself. This window is the main app selection navigation area.
App Availability
Only those apps that are enabled within the MAP Org being used will appear for selection in the window. To gain access to more or different apps, contact your Account Team for assistance.
At present there are 1,000+ apps available in App Insights, with more being added everyday.
App selection pop up window.
Once in the app selection pop up window, there are two (2) ways to select which apps should be included in the report run:
- Search for an app.
- Scroll for an app.
Search for an App
Using the magnifying glass search bar, type in the name of an app that should be included in the report run. The app search functionality of Insights is predictive based on app name, and will return results instantly as letters are typed. Cuanto más completa sea la información que ingreses, más refinados serán los resultados.
Buenas prácticas en la búsqueda de apps
Por el momento, los resultados de la búsqueda de apps solo se basan en el nombre externo de la app, tal y como aparecería en una tienda de apps. Searching for apps based upon their genre, business vertical, or other metadata will not return applicable results.
Resultados predictivos de búsqueda de apps.
Once the appropriate app appears, click on it to include it as one of the selected apps for the report run.
Twitter app is selected for inclusion in the report run.
Scroll for an App
Deleting any entered text in the search bar will reveal all available apps for selection again. Use the scroll bar to find apps of interest. Cuando encuentres una app que te interese, haz clic en el ícono o nombre de esa app para incluirla en la ejecución del informe.
Example: Scroll to find, and select, both the Instagram and Facebook (Meta) apps to be included with Twitter in the report run.
To change an app when three apps are already selected, one or more of the currently selected apps must first be removed. To remove an app, click on that app's icon in the lower left hand corner of the app selection window. Una vez que hagas clic en el ícono de la app, el espacio volverá a ser un cuadrado vacío y se podrá seleccionar una nueva app para ese espacio.
Removal of an app to enable the selection a different app in the app selection window.
Once one (1) to three (3) apps are selected for the report run, click the "Save" button to close the app selection pop up window.
Three (3) apps selected, and saved, for a report run.
Salir de la ventana de selección de app
While in the app selection window, clicking either the top left "X", or the bottom right "Cancel", icon / button will close the app selection window without saving any app selections made or changed.
Insights Report Set Up - Segment Selection Filter
The Segment Selection Filter allows for additional data slicing by either:
Todos los dispositivos
- Designated as "All"
Demographic Attributes
- Device Owner Age Range Bucket
- Device Owner Gender Bucket
MAP AppGraph Ownership Persona
- Behavioral Segments for "Interests & Activities"
- Behavioral Segments for "Life Stage"
- Behavioral Segments for "Intent"
This additional layer of data slicing allows a report to return data that is more accurately focused on a specific set of devices.
Segment filter with no selections made.
To select a segment click on the Segment filter. Once Segment selection filter is clicked, a segment selection pop up window will present itself. This window is the main segment selection navigation area.
Segment selection pop up window.
Once in the segment selection pop up window, there are two (2) ways to select which segment should be included in the report run:
- Search for a segment.
- Scroll for a segment.
Search for a Segment
Using the magnifying glass search bar, type in the name of a segment that should be included in the report run. The segment search functionality of Insights is predictive based on segment name, and will return results instantly as letters are typed. Cuanto más completa sea la información que ingreses, más refinados serán los resultados.
Predictive segment search results.
Scroll for an App
Deleting any entered text in the search bar will reveal all available segments for selection again. Use the scroll bar to find a segment of interest. When a segment of interest is found, click on that segment name to include it as the segment in the report run.
Segment Selection Restrictions
At this time only one (1) segment can be selected per report run. Additionally, a report cannot be run if no segment is selected. For most report runs, where no segment is desired, please select the "All" devices option. Selecting "All" indicates that the report run should utilize all available reporting devices, and not subset to any specific set of devices.
For a list of all possible segments and/or more information about the creation of MMP Demographic segments, or the composition of AppGraph Ownership Personas, please reach out to your Account Team for more information.
"Run" capabilities disabled because no segment has yet been selected.
"Run" capabilities enabled because all filters have a selection designated.
Insights Report Set Up - Date Range Selection Filter
The Insights suite of analytic reports allows for full customization of the reporting date range when setting up a report run. The date range selection filter is split into two distinct pieces that work together to help intuitively set date range parameters for every report run. The two pieces of the date range filter are:
- Granularidad
- Límite de fechas:
The Granularity drop down works in conjunction with the Date Range picker to help isolate the appropriate dates for which to return data in each report. La granularidad de fecha es una elección preestablecida entre una de tres opciones:
- Días
- Semanas
- Meses
Most Insights reports offer data as both an aggregate (or average) for the date range, as well as a time series graph, in which the data is graphically plotted across daily, weekly or monthly data points.
Date Grain Application
Selecting a date grain will specifically affect the presentation of any time series graphs on the report page, as well as the corresponding time series data table.
Example of both Date Grain selection and Date Range selection.
App Insights reports can return data for any available range of complete days, weeks, or months.
Historic Data Availability
Los datos históricos están disponibles desde el 1 de julio de 2021 en adelante. Ongoing data availability is on a 7-day lag. App Insights reports default to show the latest 7 days of available data. However, T-Ads will implement a 2 year data retention policy.
El filtro de selección Intervalo de fechas funciona conjuntamente con el filtro de selección Granularidad de fecha. The Date Range filter allows for selection of any dynamic start and end date by which to aggregate, average or trend data points.
There are two calendars to utilize in the range selection process, the beginning date of your range and the end date of your range.
Intervalos de fechas ilógicos y admisibles
Los calendarios de intervalos mostrarán automáticamente en gris las fechas de cualquiera de los calendarios que no se puedan seleccionar. Por ejemplo, si la fecha de inicio del intervalo seleccionado es el 10 de sept., el calendario para la selección de la fecha final no permitirá elegir una fecha anterior al 10 de sept. Este mecanismo evita el ingreso accidental de intervalos de fechas ilógicos durante la configuración del informe.
La selección del intervalo de fechas tampoco puede realizarse fuera de los intervalos permitidos, que están limitados por la disponibilidad de datos históricos y la finalidad continua de los nuevos datos ingresados.
Due to the dynamic nature of the Date Range selection filter, in cases where the range of dates selected does not exactly conform to the date grain selected, the report will auto-correct the range to match the grain.
Your date range has been expanded to align with granularity you have selected.
Notificación emergente de que un intervalo de fechas ingresado se ha ajustado automáticamente para adaptarse a la granularidad de fecha seleccionada.
Por ejemplo: Un usuario selecciona este intervalo de fechas: 2021-09-10 al 2021-09-21.
Una selección dinámica y arbitraria del intervalo de fechas.
The data reported back for this date range selection will be dependent on the date grain selected:
- Todos los puntos de datos de todos los días seleccionados, 10 de sept. al 21 de sept. inclusive, se utilizarán en los datos de retorno.
- El intervalo se modificará automáticamente para que solo se seleccionen las semanas completas (de lunes a domingo). En este ejemplo serían los datos de las semanas completas del 6 de sept. al 12 de sept., 13 de sept. al 19 de sept. y 20 de sept. al 26 de sept. El ajuste automático de los intervalos siempre funciona para ampliarse e incluir todas las semanas completas posibles basadas en tu selección arbitraria original de intervalos.
- El intervalo se modificará automáticamente para que solo se seleccionen los meses completos (1.° día del mes - último día del mes). En este ejemplo serían datos de un mes completo del 1 de sept. al 30 de sept. El ajuste automático del intervalo siempre funciona para expandirse e incluir todos los meses completos posibles basándose en tu selección arbitraria original del intervalo.