Acceder a segmentos de Twitter

Once you've Create Custom Audiences, pushing your segment to Twitter for activation is just a few simple steps away.

Step 1. Send Your Custom Segment to Twitter

Select the segments you would like pushed, if you need details on how to send to a partner please refer to Send Audiences to a Partner

Twitter Ad Account ID is now a required field. Having Trouble Finding Your Twitter Ad Account ID?

Navigate to the "Account Settings" page from your Twitter Ads account. The Ad Account ID is listed just under the "What would you like to name your account?" box. (See arrow in the below image)

Tmobile adds

Step 2. Wait for Your Segment to Appear

Expect your segment(s) to appear in your Twitter Audience Manager screen within 7 business days.

Step 3. Segment Arrival & Activation

Confirm your segment has arrived in your Twitter seat. Under the "Tools" section in your Ad screen navigate to "Audience Manager" to confirm the audience is available.

Image Navigate to Audience Manager

The available and targetable segments will look like this:


Create Twitter Campaign

Step 4. Create Ad

Create a new campaign, starting with your objectives.

Select Your Audience

Step 5. Input campaign details, including name and campaign run time, and move on to "Select your audience" (Twitter Step 2 of 4).

Add tailored audience

Step 6. Expand the "Add tailored audiences" option, and choose "Browse your tailored audiences".

Browse Your Audiences

Step 7. Your tailored audiences should appear, select those you'd like to include in your campaign.

Set Your Budget

Step 8. Set your budget and choose your creatives.

image Launch

Step 9. Launch your campaign.

Manage campaign

Manage your campaign right from your Twitter seat.

Manage Campaign