Forum Discussion
Galaxy Watch LTE duplicate messages
- Hace 6 años
@dupsla y @magenta6238774 , thank you both! I sent a PM your way which should be in your bandeja_de_entrada. I also agree about the latest update which is something I'll include in feedback because I do think @magenta6898941 has a great point.
Thanks for getting back to me, @magenta6238774! Sorry for the delayed response as I was out of the office for a few days. If DIGITS is enabled, the remote connection should be off. Can you make sure your Watch is set-up that way and let me know if the duplicate texts still come in when you step away from your phone?
Hola, @dupsla! We're working on a fix now and you're welcome to join in the troubleshooting conversation, if you'd like. I'm working with a few people from T-Mobile and Samsung to get to the bottom of why this is happening.
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