Forum Discussion
Can't Make Online Purchases
- Hace 7 años
Oh my goodness! You have definitely tried everything imaginable to rule it out as a browser issue. If you are getting this error when trying to upgrade through your account, we are going to need to take a closer look at what is going on at the account level to fix this. If you have not already, please contáctanos so our care teams can get this sorted out for you.
This is happening to me. I'm trying to upgrade my phone, and I get pretty far, however I get the "Oops! ..." modal after the Accessories page. The error occurs whether I chose an accessory, or "Skip Accessories" -- I would have bought an accessory just to get this thing to work, but alas, that didn't work.
I looked at the javascript console, the logs suggest there is missing data related to the shopping cart.
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