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OTW's avatar
Network Novice
Hace 4 años

Expiration date bug for Legacy Pay As You Go?

I’ve had a back-up T-Mobile Legacy Pay As You Go with Gold Rewards account for more than a decade.

Early this year, in 3rd week of January 2021, I refilled another $10.  After refilling, I saw the expiration date extended to 2022 for the same date in 3rd week of January as expected.

It looks like T-Mobile had a system/software change during the past year as the UI looks different, e.g., no longer shows how many minutes/SMSes the balance would cover.

Whether or not due to that system/software change/migration, I am guessing there's a bug somewhere as my expiration date got shortened by 2 weeks.  From Transaction and Activity history, it looks like that happened either mid-August or early October 2021.

  1. Anybody else noticed the same expiration date being shortened?
  1. Was there a system change/upgrade that T-Mobile did during 2021 that you’re aware of?
  1. How do I contact T-Mobile Chat Support to get this fixed?  A few days ago, I saw a way to do so through lower-right corner but don't see it today.
  1. I’m also curious how many Legacy Pay As You Go users are still around?

Thanks for any reply and help in advance and Happy Holidays!

  • gaa57's avatar
    Network Novice

    Hello I have a legacy pay as u go T Mobile and topped up 04/16/ 2022 for  $30 and it shows the balance expiration date as 07/13/2022 so only in 3 months when in the past its always been balance expiration in a year. Anyone know how to solve this as tried calling and have been un successful in getting through? is there no e mail or chat you can contact them on?

  • 1Hiccup's avatar
    Network Novice

    Hi, are folks still having trouble with the expiration on the Legacy Pay As You Go Gold Rewards plan? I refilled $100 on Jan 2, 2023 and the balance expiration date shows April 20, 2023 when it should be one-year later. I live mostly abroad and am trying to avoid having to call customer care to resolve this…

    Thanks in advance for any tips you can offer.

  • Hello Hiccup

    I think you will have no choice but to call customer care…..I know, I know…...I dread it as well.

    After finally getting set up with my new phone last June I started to see my PAYG balance going down EVERY DAY and get this: the phone is shut OFF

    My balance dropped fast, and customer care added 10 bucks back to my account -twice but the problem persists even after they sent a new SIM card. It seems the phone is actually sending messages to NO ONE and  I'm getting charged 10 cents every time, sometimes as much as 10 times a day!

    After many phone calls to CC, trying to explain what the phone is doing and getting nowhere I finally got the right person who was able to send a "work" ticket to the tech dept. Let's just say the messages have slowed to maybe one every other day even though  it hasn't stopped. Every couple of months I add a 10 dollar refill just to be sure.

    One of the reps asked if I wanted to convert my PAYG to their new ten dollar a month prepaid plan I almost said yes but then thought the better of it. Ten bucks isn't bad if it's your main phone but I'd rather pay 10 bucks every few months. I know once you change plans you can never go back lol

     I just added 10 dollars March 1st and it now says my  balance expires Feb 29, 2024.

    As I said, I think you have no option other than calling and explain the situation. Hopefully you get a rep who helps the first time and you won't  have to make multiple calls. You certainly don't want to lose this plan.

    Please give us an update and good luck


  • 1Hiccup's avatar
    Network Novice

    Many thanks @hellokitty04! I ended up calling customer service and spent 45+min on hold and then another half an hour getting the situation resolved. It looks like they were able to correct it in the new system and my balance expiry is in 2024 now. 

    Like you, I also get charged 10c quite often but it seems to be happening whenever I log in and need to get a OTP. So I guess I'm being charged for the text message that is used to verify my T-Mobile ID.

    Thanks again for sharing your experience - all the best!

  • T-Mobile appears to be actively trying to force users off the Legacy PAYG plan. It used to be that I would get a warning text a few days before my annual renewal was due, but that stopped a few years ago. Then, after getting the Account Suspended text without any warning, I would get my previous balance reinstated by refilling and calling Support. This year I had a balance of $70.65 when I missed my renewal date. I was told by more than one offshore support person that I could only get my money back if I changed plans. Minimum plan is $10 per month. WHAT A RIPOFF! I have requested unlock codes for my phone.