
Que la Fuerza te acompañe el cuatro de mayo

By John LegereMayo 03, 2016

Not all that long ago, in a broken, arrogant industry ….

It was a time of unrest and truly pissed off wireless customers. Americans were raising their voices and demanding that someone – anyone – stand up and call BS on the old carriers’ ridiculous service contracts, outrageous overages, hidden costs, insane roaming fees and all the rest. One wireless provider heard the people, responded with real change—and sparked a revolution.

Since the start, the Un-carrier revolution has been about fighting back against the Duopoly for wireless customers everywhere-and making sure the Evil Twins can no longer abuse their customers or take them for granted. It's been about listening, telling it like it is and changing wireless for good.

Now, for the next stage of the revolution … we’re inviting every US wireless customer to embrace the force and use it against the dark side. And you don’t even have to be an Un-carrier customer to do your part.

With your help, the world will see what I’m pretty sure we’ve all known all along—that AT&T is an Evil Empire set on bringing back the dark days of US wireless.

You know what I’m talking about.

  • Gargantuan Megacorp. Check.
  • Run by an army of suits bringing darkness and pain to all they touch. Check. Think about it. The data overages, bill shock, insane roaming charges. See the pattern?
  • Pathologically controlling and dominating. Check. After giving up on two-year wireless service contracts, they start locking you in to two-year wireless TV service contracts. No way out!
  • Super secretive. Check. Close to half a million postpaid phone customers fled from AT&T last quarter alone—but they pad their numbers with connected cars, tablets, prepaid migrations, and now even Mexico net adds to hide the fact that their phone customers are running for the exits!

And that logo. C'mon. Looks like the Death Star to me.

So on May the 4th – the day we honor all things Star Wars – you can join the fight against the dark side and light up the web with the truth about AT&T. Hell, we even built this Chrome extension for laptops and desktops, so all those ATT customers living in fear of overages can join in the fun without watching their data meter (and, also, extensions only work on Chrome’s desktop browser).

Here’s all you need to do to use the force…

  1. Point your Chrome desktop browser at this simple, safe extension on Google Play and click “Add to Chrome.” (Note: Extensions are safe little enhancements for Chrome on the desktop, available through Google Play from all kinds of companies. You can always uninstall an extension by clicking the Chrome menu bar > Settings > Extensions anytime you want.)
  2. Then click over to any web page with the word ‘AT&T’ in it … and you’ll reveal the real AT&T.
  3. Take a screengrab and share on social with #DeATThStar to tell the world you’ve joined the Un-carrier rebellion!

Who knows … I may even give away a few things to keep the Rebel Alliance energized! So, help bring the truth to light and reveal the Evil Empire for what it is-once and for all!

Do or do not. There is no try.

May the Fourth be with you.



#maythe4thbewithyou. Link to view and download the asset in the Media Library.
#maythe4thbewithyou. Link to view and download the asset in the Media Library.
#maythe4thbewithyou. Link to view and download the asset in the Media Library.