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Re: Home Internet Static IP
@scottyjwe use netflix, Disney, paramount, youtubetv, prime …I also run a plex server (for movies)and channelsDVR (local OTA channels and such)server none of these give us any trouble as they determine location differently than DTV and Hulu. DTV and Hulu are stupid and have these problems, while almost everyone else does not. also, I was mostly referring to the problems about streaming being throttled on the "business internet". my experience is not throttled, at all, and faster almost all the way around except for the static ip latency issue. my "static" IP bounces all over the country, at one point today I was in LA, another in Chicago, another in Delaware and another in Virginia. it's weird but none of the services we use have a problem. you could also look at Sling as an alternative if you're up for that. I don't believe they have problems like DTV does. it's very similar content from what I recall.15Visto0likes0ComentariosRe: Home Internet Static IP
@ArthurZeyto use IP Passthrough, first change the LAN settings of the Inseego to a subnet not found on your own router. I set my Inseego to subnet (because I had the Nokia trashcan before) and my own equipment is on the subnet. Once that was set, I then enabled IP Passthrough and I am still able to access the webGUI. My problem before was both LAN segments matched and my router/gateway had the same IP as the Inseego. Also, I'm not sure why anyone is seeing that streaming is a problem as my household is constantly streaming and in many cases, multiple streams happening all at the same time. No issues at all and as compared to the Nokia Home Internet device, the performance is quite a bit better. Although, the static IPv4 adds 4 times the latency, this hasn't impacted really anything at this point. I'll probably just remove this at some point to get better latency.13Visto0likes0Comentarios