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Severe deprioritization on Home Internet?
Hello, I have been trying for about 2 weeks to make the T-Mobile home internet work for me. I live in a more rural/sparsely populated area of northern CA (Mendocino County, north of the Ukiah area). When I signed up, T-mobile said I should have good 4G LTE coverage in my area and I have used cell internet with another provider through ATT network with good success in the past (30-80 Mbps download, 20-30 Mbps upload at all times). With the t-mobile 5g nokia grey router from about 12am-6am I easily obtain 30-40 Mpbs download speeds and 10-20 Mbps upoload, which is plenty good enough for me. Unfortunately, during the day this crawls to 0.5-1.5 Mbps download and 2-3 Mbps upload. This happens routinely, every single day/night. Towers are within 1-2 miles from my home and signal strength is 2-3 bars consistently when this happens. The signal strength at night is the same as during the day, so I have ruled out that having anything to do with the variation in speeds. I have a hard time believing it is a congestion issue based on this not being an incredibly populated area, but maybe the bandwidth they are offering up here really is that slim? Just curious if anyone has any other ideas or trouble shooting suggestions before I pull the plug on this working out for me. ¡Gracias!1.5KViews0likes2Comentarios